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Sci-Fi Authors

For anyone who might want to have a side're welcome here!
Sci-Fi Authors
Post by sonex   » Tue Jun 07, 2022 1:07 pm

Lieutenant Commander

Posts: 117
Joined: Fri Mar 16, 2018 4:37 pm
Location: Oregon, USA

Over the years (1950s-2020s) I read a lot of authors works. Ones I kept some of their books follow. However, as I've gotten older, i find it too hard to read hardback books. So, I gifted all of my Sci-Fi books. Author list:
Roger MacBride Allen
John Barnes
Greg Bear
Gregory Benford
David Brin
Mike Brotherton
Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game only!
Jack L. Chalker
John Dalmas
Gordon Dickson
David Drake
Phillip Jose Farmer
Robert L. Foward
David Gerold
Joe Haldeman
Robert A Heinlein
Frank Herbert
James P Hogan
Keith Laumer
Jack McDevitt
Larry Niven - Yes!
Jerry Pournelle
Kim Stanley Robinson
Christopher Rowley
Carl Sagan
Charles Shefield
Neal Stephenson
John Stith
Honor Harrington and Safehold nut.
Re: Sci-Fi Authors
Post by sonex   » Tue Jun 07, 2022 1:16 pm

Lieutenant Commander

Posts: 117
Joined: Fri Mar 16, 2018 4:37 pm
Location: Oregon, USA

Next page! :mrgreen:

Vernor Vinge
David Weber - yeh :mrgreen:
Edward Willett
Robert Charles Wilson
Timothy Zahn
Robert Zubrin
Brian Herbet & Kevin Anderson - The Dune SAGA
Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child :D

And I Have read books by a few female authors whose name I have
Honor Harrington and Safehold nut.

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