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Forums glitchy for me, and has been for months

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Forums glitchy for me, and has been for months
Post by Somtaaw   » Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:25 am

Rear Admiral

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Pretty sure this isn't the right spot to post this, but it's the least bad choice that I can currently find....

How can I fix the forums? When they went down last year, and finally came back up, the [forums] portion has lost the background, and the formatting is horrible. Instead of the link bar of author/library/FAQs/etc being left to right across the top of the screen, it's vertical. There is no background at all, purely white, and even the bottom stuff is all messed up.

But JUST the forums. If I click any of what's supposed to be the top bar of ilnks, and go to say author, I get that nice blurb about Weber's background, the star background, and everything is formatted properly.

I've tried using alternate browsers, as I've used Chrome the entire time I've had an account here, and prior to that when I only lurked. I've tested using Microsoft Edge and I even went so far as reinstalling Firefox, its all glitchy.

Hell, I've even checked using a BRAND NEW phone, that has never ever used this site before and it's the same deal. So as far as I can tell, my problem isn't from bad cookies, nor is it plug-ins.

Is there any fix?
Re: Forums glitchy for me, and has been for months
Post by Michael Everett   » Thu Jul 25, 2024 4:19 am

Michael Everett

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This occasionally happens to me and I think it's down to internet connection issues.
At the moment, for instance, Reddit and Imgur keep refusing to fully load for me due. Reddit needs multiple attempts to connect (and still randomly drops) whereas the non-advert images on Imgur simply do not load.
Everything else seems to be working perfectly.
The issue for me seems to be somewhere between the Computer and the Hosting site, based on the limited reach of the issues involved.

All I can suggest is waiting/rebooting.

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Re: Forums glitchy for me, and has been for months
Post by Somtaaw   » Thu Jul 25, 2024 11:10 am

Rear Admiral

Posts: 1204
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Location: Canada

Michael Everett wrote:This occasionally happens to me and I think it's down to internet connection issues.
At the moment, for instance, Reddit and Imgur keep refusing to fully load for me due. Reddit needs multiple attempts to connect (and still randomly drops) whereas the non-advert images on Imgur simply do not load.
Everything else seems to be working perfectly.
The issue for me seems to be somewhere between the Computer and the Hosting site, based on the limited reach of the issues involved.

All I can suggest is waiting/rebooting.

Yeah, I've tried that, was hoping maybe there was actually something I could directly do.

Because this has been a problem since the forums went down entirely somewhere last year, or was in the year before in 2022? Since we had no way of getting an update on when they'd come back up (or rather to be paid for, I think that was the problem), I had just stopped showing up to wait for the problem to be fixed, rather than checking back weekly.

I schedule reboots every ~2-3 weeks or so, as part of semi-regular device maintenance. So I've been waiting, and rebooting for about a year, possibly two and it's just a bit frustrating if I want to come back and regularly read, reply and discuss topics again with the way the forums look. And since it's specifically the forums, and nowhere else on this site, I'd hoped folks might know a more direct fix.
Re: Forums glitchy for me, and has been for months
Post by Fireflair   » Thu Jul 25, 2024 12:56 pm

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I've had this same exact problem. It doesn't matter what computer I use, or which browser I use. Happens even when I use my phone to look at the forums. I too would be glad to hear of a solution.
Re: Forums glitchy for me, and has been for months
Post by Joat42   » Thu Jul 25, 2024 4:29 pm


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Location: Sweden

Some resources are delivered with http and most browsers these days doesn't allow mixed content, ie either only http or only https.

This is a log from my browser that highlights this (I have whitelisted so it doesn't result in an error):
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure element ''. This request was automatically upgraded to HTTPS, For more information see ... https.html

You can try and whitelist yourself in your browser and see if that helps. See ... %3DDesktop for how to do it in Chrome, the procedure should be similar for other browsers..

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

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Re: Forums glitchy for me, and has been for months
Post by Somtaaw   » Fri Jul 26, 2024 11:17 am

Rear Admiral

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Joat42 wrote:Some resources are delivered with http and most browsers these days doesn't allow mixed content, ie either only http or only https.

This is a log from my browser that highlights this (I have whitelisted so it doesn't result in an error):
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure element ''. This request was automatically upgraded to HTTPS, For more information see ... https.html

You can try and whitelist yourself in your browser and see if that helps. See ... %3DDesktop for how to do it in Chrome, the procedure should be similar for other browsers..

This worked, thanks.

Quite odd how only the forums was removing the background and formatting. All the other related pages worked just fine, it was just the forums was throwing a hissyfit over the mixed content ratings.

For the record, for anybody else having the problem, on my Chrome settings it was most of the way down and labelled [Insecure Content]. Slightly below payment handlers, and above augmented reality and virtual reality permissions.
Re: Forums glitchy for me, and has been for months
Post by Joat42   » Fri Jul 26, 2024 3:28 pm


Posts: 2162
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Location: Sweden

Somtaaw wrote:This worked, thanks.

Quite odd how only the forums was removing the background and formatting. All the other related pages worked just fine, it was just the forums was throwing a hissyfit over the mixed content ratings.

That's natural since the browser refuses to download some resources by default the pages wont be rendered correctly.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: Forums glitchy for me, and has been for months
Post by knome   » Mon Feb 03, 2025 12:31 pm


Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Mar 09, 2019 7:25 pm

Junior software developer here. If you guys need free help to fix this issue on the server side then send me a PM.
Re: Forums glitchy for me, and has been for months
Post by Daryl   » Wed Feb 05, 2025 2:46 am

Fleet Admiral

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Interesting. My Windows 11 Chrome Gaming PC has no problems.
However my Android Chrome Samsung Tablet does. When next on the tablet I'll try this.

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