Hutch wrote:Referencing that Dungeons and Dragons Condemning, rock Music Hating, Anti-Roman Catholic purveyor of bad art is not going to convince me anytime soon.
Please forgive my referencing someone that may offend, now and in the future. I am not familiar with him. I am only concerned with his post and the message he is trying to convey. Even if Satan exactly quoted GODs own holy words, it would not change the truth within.
King James Bible
1 Cor 1:27
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
Sometimes God uses the most unlikely of people to accomplish his mission. This is a common theme throughout the Bible.
Hutch wrote:For those like Cthia and some of the other posters with him, there is NO DOUBT God exists, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and lived on Earth, and that the Bible they read (I notice cthia quotes the KJV) is the absolute, unvarished TRUTH. And to him and the rest those are indisputable facts.
This passage seems to refer and object to the
confidence of a Christian in his beliefs.
I do quote from the King James Bible. I like that Bible very much. Someone else in this thread acknowledged the poetic nature of the words contained within — its Shakespearean flair. I wholeheartedly agree, it is becoming. I have always loved reading Shakespeare and wore many a volume out as a kid. Shakespeare was my first favorite author (before Edgar Allen Poe displaced him). As a pre-teen, I often carried around pages of Shakespeare that had fallen out of worn volumes. I'd fall asleep with them on my bed. In lieu of that, would you deny me the KJV? Of course not.
However, I consult
many versions of the Bible and compare. One of my favorite Bibles is the Parallel Bible, that features the KJV juxtaposed with a more modern interpretation. Although, I've seen them in various combinations to fit one's fancy. The KJV
is my favorite Bible therefore when I quote, I quote from it and I try to be consistent and try to maintain some standard in quoting as well. Also, I am likewise aware, as some have already pointed out, that meaning can be lost in translation. Therefore, the KJV serves to minimize as much of that as I can, being an English speaker.
Yes, I do believe that the KJV is the TRUTH, because it contains GODs spoken words and his teachings. Whether or not it is absolute truth because the hand of man may have tainted it, I cannot say. Nor do I. However, it would be illogical for me to have faith in GOD, faith that he sent his only begotten Son to die for all sins who would receive him, yet not have faith in the
core of the only Book that contains him and his teachings - and that I would also not have faith that he has protected the
power and essence of
his spoken words. Bracketing the fact that it is the oldest book in existence containing his words and teachings.
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Hutch wrote:For folks like me (callus Humanists if you must fit us in a category), we know there is much we don't know, but we know there is much we DO know, and moreover we know how to find out about stuff. So while God (He/She/It/They may exist, we look for evidence to confirm that or possibly cast certain things into doubt (i.e., age of the earth, worldwide flood).
And true believers can't do that. Because they KNOW that the Bible is FACT and NOTHING can disagree with it.
This is not true of all Christians. Many of us are researchers, scientists, physicists, engineers, earnestly looking for evidence. The fact that we're partial to the outcome of said evidence is besides the point. You're supposed to cheer for the home team. To
imply that Christians in general would still hold onto our truths in face of incontrovertible evidence to the contrary is erroneous. Presumptuous at best. I have announced throughout my tenure on this forum that I am avidly researching and seeking proof of the existence of GOD. I have mentioned it several posts back, as well. It was
not a precipitous decision to be born again.
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Having said that, there does exist a certain portion of the population, I prefer to call them scientists, who believe that the acceptance of GOD and associated belief, will dispel their beloved science. On the opposite end of the spectrum there are closed minded Christians, who fear that science will disprove their beloved GOD.
Then there are people like myself, a scientist at heart and a Christian as well who fear not either. We realize that science will never disprove the existence of GOD. On the contrary, science, at every turn, has supported the notion of GOD. And hints of the validity of GOD is at every turn of the discoveries of science.
Mankind had to discover fire before he
had a hand on light, carrying it around on the end of sticks. His knowledge of light grew. He has theories concerning this light. E=MC2. Attaining the speed of light still eludes man, and our equations tell us it's impossible. Impossible to achieve the speed of light. Godspeed? But these are only theories and full realization of the power of light still eludes man.
Yet God created Heaven(one) Earth(two) and
Genesis 1:3King James Version (KJV)
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The scientist in me pays close attention to detail. The third thing God created is light. And Jesus is the light of the world.
John 8:12King James Version (KJV)
12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
Then there is the Holy Trinity. That number 3 again. Which are ...
The triangle. We all know the value of the triangle in our life. Every structure consists of triangles. It is the most stable structure. Coincidence? Perhaps.
Are there other interesting concepts of science that may be clues to something more profound?
I think so.
It is not possible for any man to be in two places at the same time. Yet God says
he can. He promises us ...
Matthew 18:20
20For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
God didn't say that any group of two or more gathered in his name had to wait their turn. So how else can God accomplish this task unless he can be in two
or more places at once?
God was also on his throne in Heaven and also here on Earth.
Is this possible? Does laboratory findings support this?
Quantum Mechanics
Where every bit of matter and energy exists in a state of blurry flux, allowing it to occupy not just two locations but an infinite number of them simultaneously.
We're getting collective "oohs" and "ahhs" from the jury.Yet the
circumstantial evidence gets even better.
Matthew 17:20King James Version (KJV)
20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
A mustard seed is
quite small.
That reminds
me of an equation that will take, as an input, a very small quantity (mass) and yield an incredible amount of energy. (E)
Another coincidence?
For Heaven's sake! Oh
we of little faith. Open your eyes and you shall see what is right in front of you.
Matthew 13:15-17: For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them. But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.
It's at least enough evidence to go to trial.
So you see Hutch, we Christians have it within us to search for evidence too. Perhaps we see more, because our eyes are open with the spirit of discernment.
If man is responsible for the words within the Bible, then he has a precognitive imagination. Miraculous even.
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Beware of hypocrisy. Some non-believers browbeat Christians who they think are trying to convert them into believing what they believe. They accuse us of being much too aggressive (and I agree that some are.)
It is interesting, however, that many of these same Christian detractors are just as aggressive in trying to get those, who claim to believe, into
not believing, as they do. Or discouraging. The pot calls the kettle black.
true Christian respects the
rights of both the Atheist and the Christian. The true Atheist respects neither. Not himself, nor the Christian, for he would not feel offense to true Christianity and one who tries to act in accordance to his own beliefs.
What inherent evil have I by claiming that GOD EXISTS? What inherent evil have I by opening up a dialogue to discuss
my beliefs to any who may wish to respectfully participate? True Christians are the ones responsible for the acknowledgment of rights of all to worship as they please. I personally do not think
that particular privilege, right, would survive without
true Christians.
If an Atheist began a likewise thread, handled with decency, I for one would NOT object. And I would participate, without condemnation or affront. I would view it as a learning process. I am not the type Christian who believes he knows all things. I have learned even from this thread things that require my further research.
It is interesting. When I contemplated the title of this thread, I also considered GOD EXISTS? Making it a question. I only considered making it a question because I felt it might possibly be more user-friendly, gentle or —
and may God forgive me — less offensive. But there would be those that would still take issue because of the subject matter alone. Besides, I would have begun this thread with my own personal lie. Of all threads, I
really must remain true to myself within this one. Not to mention the fact that for a Christian to question the existence of his own GOD borders blasphemy. Would you not even allow me that? Even if
you do not allow
me to worship or attempt to share what I deem is good.