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Post by MAD-4A   » Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:09 am

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Daryl wrote:You play word and numeric games that at core are based solely on your own particular sacred texts, with nothing to confirm it from any other source. ISIS uses their sacred texts to justify atrocities, but there are plenty of biblical quotes that would also justify similar barbaric actions like stonings and beheadings.
Which is where your wrong! Can someone miss-use the bible, CLAIM to be "Christian" an use miss-quotes & out-of-context statements to justify wrong-doings. well duh, ever hear of Jim Jones or David Koresh? but that doesn't make them a Christian just because they said they were. As I pointed out earlier, lots of people have claimed to be a "Christian" yet been vehement anti-Semitic, even several Popes have been. That doesn't make them actual Christian. Jesus was himself a Jew so it is, by definition, physically impossible for any anti-Semite to be a Christian, what? "I hate Jews but worship a Jew"!!! NO DUH. As another example: I've heard all my life, when someone is asked if they helped someone they new needed help, they justify not helping by quoting the bible with What? "Am I my brother's keeper?" like that sentence is the point of the passage. The rest of the passage is Jesus stating "YES, you are!" so by making the other statement your point-of-view you're defying Jesus & are no longer following his teachings, therefore (at that time at-lest) not acting as a Christian. so yes - people can LIE and claim to be a Christian while doing bad things.
Almost only counts in Horseshoes and Nuclear Weapons. I almost got the Hand-Grenade out the window does not count.
Post by The E   » Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:20 am

The E

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MAD-4A wrote:To be fair, I do not doubt cthia got the figures from some source & think the reason for this whole "7"s in the list is because of the first point; the 7 day week, didn't bother to look them up but don't doubt them being listed somewhere, A) (assuming so) these were likely estimated average days and rounded to nearest weeks (1wk 2wks etc...). then listed by this estimate of days (call it sig-fig) which accounts for the multiple of 7s & does not warrant the outburst

I think you may have misunderstood my objections there. If you're going to make a point about the 7-day week being a fundamental constant in biology, then you need to show that. You cannot make a generalized statement based on fudged and handpicked data, you need to be precise, and you need to have statistics on your side.
Now, the source cthia cited gave precise numbers. It said that gestation periods are exactly x days. Which even cursory research shows to be untrue, a quick trip to wikipedia shows that gestation periods are not so precise as to make it possible for anyone to set up strong correlations.

And yet, this imprecision isn't ackknowledged. cthia's source presents the "gestation periods are always measured in periods of seven days" as a fact. There are no links to the data set used, or how it was gathered. There are no attempts to find alternate explanations.

This is intellectually corrupt. It is not science.

The E wrote:See, this is why I find creationism to be intellectually and morally corrupt...Creationism doesn't question. Creationists cannot be relied upon to be honest in their findings. That is why its proponents are idiots, frauds, snake-oil salesmen and charlatans.
who basically called cthia a "lair" because his source disagreed. & B) as for the validity of the source, that just goes back to my point of being willing to take every "science" book as "fact" on faith even though many have been PROVEN wrong by later "updates", but not being willing to extend the same courtesy to other text because they are labeled as "religious"?[/quote]

Remind me, when was the last time the bible was updated to reflect modern theological thinking?

Religions generally do not encourage their followers to rewrite their fundamental texts. They do not encourage ripping them apart if they're found to be unsuited. That is why, when viewed as scientific ressources, they are completely laughable. That is why I am not going to extend them any courtesy when they are used in a scientific context.

That seems extremely narrow minded. "The E" did you go out and test each of these figures
The E wrote:The gestation period in mice is, on average, 20 days. In norwegian rats, it is actually 21 days (why does your source claim it's 28?)
For cats, the gestation period is actually between 64 and 67 days.
Dogs, 58 to 68 days.
Lions, 110 days.
Sheep, ~150 days...
yourself with multiple test subjects for each statistic? Or did you just look them up from your own source & take it on faith that YOUR source was the correct one? If so then I think you owe "cthia" an apology (unless already done & buried in the other 5 pages :? ) for effectively calling them a liar without testing for yourself & personally verifying the data. If you can't let others take text on "faith" then you have no right taking any on faith yourself.

No, of course I haven't done any personal verification. I used wikipedia, for crying out loud. You see, gestation periods are really easy to measure. There's not going to be some radical breakthroughs there. If the basic thesis that gestation periods are somehow linked to the 7-day week held up, then it would be reflected in those numbers. It isn't.

So, what questions arise from this? Did the person who came up with this thesis use original research? What does his data set look like? How comprehensive is it? Was it verified independently?

Or did he look at the data set on wikipedia with a preconceived notion of what reality should be, and then fudged the data a bit so that it fit?

Looking at creationist research, the latter is more likely than the former. Creationists are not scientists. They do not use scientific methods. They are more likely than other groups to falsify or misinterpret data, like in the whole bit about people's metabolism being a bit slower on Sundays. What is the cause? What is the effect?

Science, true science, starts with observations to arrive at theories. Creationism starts with theories and tries to find observations that fit. Guess which approach is more likely to produce useful results.
Post by PeterZ   » Mon Jun 08, 2015 9:08 am

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Daryl wrote:I know that I'm wasting my keyboard time here, as I've asked this question before and not received a direct reply.

Accepting for a moment your proposal that a supreme being exists, then how are you all so sure that it is male, singular/trilogy, and best described by your christian mythology?
Could it be asexual and/or multiple or something else altogether? To my mind it seems extremely provincial to say that out of all the possible beings on quadrillions of solar systems their creator appears to be best depicted as a WASP alpha male human.

Suits me I suppose, as I am a large bearded senior human male who does tend to be bossy, so a good example to emulate.

"The absence of proof means that His existence is possible. In that circumstance the universe is God's creation and the fundamental laws are a product of God's mind."


This quote is out of context. I used this possibility to illustrate to gcomeau the flaw of his logic.

To answer your question, I'll ask another. Jesus was born a Jew. I suspect he looked like many middle-easterners. What makes you think we believe He looks like a WASP?

As for the Father He is not so limited by form. He is as much male as female without any of the limitations those words imply to humanity.
Post by Zakharra   » Mon Jun 08, 2015 9:49 am

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MAD-4A wrote:
Daryl wrote:You play word and numeric games that at core are based solely on your own particular sacred texts, with nothing to confirm it from any other source. ISIS uses their sacred texts to justify atrocities, but there are plenty of biblical quotes that would also justify similar barbaric actions like stonings and beheadings.
Which is where your wrong! Can someone miss-use the bible, CLAIM to be "Christian" an use miss-quotes & out-of-context statements to justify wrong-doings. well duh, ever hear of Jim Jones or David Koresh? but that doesn't make them a Christian just because they said they were. As I pointed out earlier, lots of people have claimed to be a "Christian" yet been vehement anti-Semitic, even several Popes have been. That doesn't make them actual Christian. Jesus was himself a Jew so it is, by definition, physically impossible for any anti-Semite to be a Christian, what? "I hate Jews but worship a Jew"!!! NO DUH. As another example: I've heard all my life, when someone is asked if they helped someone they new needed help, they justify not helping by quoting the bible with What? "Am I my brother's keeper?" like that sentence is the point of the passage. The rest of the passage is Jesus stating "YES, you are!" so by making the other statement your point-of-view you're defying Jesus & are no longer following his teachings, therefore (at that time at-lest) not acting as a Christian. so yes - people can LIE and claim to be a Christian while doing bad things.

And you didn't answer the question. Daryl's quote was in response to the bolded sentence. There was a claim that the 7 day number system was verified by the bible and found throughout nature, when it's proven false, your answer sidestepped the question/quote in question entirely.

as far as I know, the vast majority don't see Christ as a Jew per say, but even if they do, the Jews -rejected- Christ's message and were the one to have him killed. I think it's silly and a damned long time to hold a grudge (it happened almost 2,000 years ago, let the grudge end!)
Post by gcomeau   » Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:34 am


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PeterZ wrote:
gcomeau wrote:cthia made a silly unsubstantied declaration, you can believe it was a comment on what you think it was if you like.

In the meantime, I showed you quite clearly why the existence of God can never be proven or disproven and you continue to dance around the issue to avoid dealing with it.

Did God create the universe and the laws of physics? Yes or no?

If yes, then you cannot argue God is bound by the laws of physics since God would have had to precede and supersede them.

If no, we're going to have to have a talk about exactly what this thing you believe in is and why you're calling it "God" because it's *really* different from what most people are talking about when they use that word.

Which is it?

Sorry but no.The absence of proof means that His existence is possible. In that circumstance the universe is God's creation and the fundamental laws are a product of God's mind. Your proof doesn't work in that circumstance and as so is not a proof.

So... yes then. You are, as all other Christians do, claiming God created the universe and the laws of physics.

Do you seriously not understand that that means God isn't bound by the laws of physics and you're making my point? My proof absolutely *does* work in those circumstances. The only way the proof doesn't work... the only way... is if you present an argument God IS bound by the laws of physics. 100%. All the time. God can never ever ever choose to violate the laws of physics. No miracles. No supernatural interventions. God is powerless to violate the physical laws of the universe.

Is. That. What. You. Want. To. Argue?

If you do, I'd love to hear how you rationalize that. How was God bound by the laws of physics before he created them? Or did God just suddenly pop into existence at the same time as the universe? Or is it something else?
Post by gcomeau   » Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:59 am


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cthia wrote:I don't know how old you are. But you come across as a child. If you are an adult, then your rudeness is magnified. If you cannot discern the difference between inspiration and formal theory, should we suffer for it?

The God that I believe in believes in free will. If there is a God, you have free will. If there isn't, you still have free will. You are free to believe in God or not. You are free to turn on your computer or not. To log onto the forum or not. You are even free to steer clear of a thread discussing a subject that offends you. One in which you disagree to the point that you are embarrassing yourself with rudeness and uncouth exchanges. There are many other threads. You don't think God exists and you're coming very close to calling a poster a liar.

You're the one who pulled out your repeated claims that you were going to be published by CERN as an argument from authority that we should take your other aguments here seriously.That made it part of the supporting argument s for the claims you're making and subject to critical scrutiny. If you don't like it you shouldn't have used it as an argument for why we should be finding you credible.

But why don't we just settle it right now. When you keep on saying over and over that you're going to be "published by CERN"... do you mean have a paper put on here?

Is that what you're talking about?
Post by cthia   » Mon Jun 08, 2015 11:02 am

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Daryl wrote:I know that I'm wasting my keyboard time here, as I've asked this question before and not received a direct reply.

Accepting for a moment your proposal that a supreme being exists, then how are you all so sure that it is male, singular/trilogy, and best described by your christian mythology?
Could it be asexual and/or multiple or something else altogether? To my mind it seems extremely provincial to say that out of all the possible beings on quadrillions of solar systems their creator appears to be best depicted as a WASP alpha male human.

Suits me I suppose, as I am a large bearded senior human male who does tend to be bossy, so a good example to emulate.

"The absence of proof means that His existence is possible. In that circumstance the universe is God's creation and the fundamental laws are a product of God's mind."

God is a Spiritual Being. Our image of male/female does not apply. Male/female was created by God to enable procreation and companionship. God doesn't need a counterpart to procreate. Non-corporeal beings do not have body parts. There can only be one God, HE has no desire to create more Gods. Or needs.

I know that God is a Trinity because His Word tells us so. Believers have no reason to dispute validity of the Trinity. Nothing about the Bible does - or can - physics disprove. Indeed, our very own physics support the possibility of all contained within the Bible.

I have discussed this before with others. It hinges on the arrogance of man.

Why is it that sex matters? Okay do let us assume for a minute, as you say, that God exists. If God does exist, do you think it would matter what the plumbing is? If Manticorans can rise above the plumbing of excellence, how much moreso should we? Do you think that God is merely biology? Do you think that God is merely physics? Another fine example of man getting too big for his britches.

Why should God be bound by the laws of physics, biology or any of man's disciplines? God created the engine of the universe. Do you think that that would bind him to the "laws of combustion" of a V8? If you were to build a V8, would you be bound by it? Absolutely not, you can turn the thing off. Choose not to enter it. The V8 would be a closed system. And if you too had infinite knowledge to design it correctly and also had access to an infinite power source, and you didn't get your parts from Taiwan then what reason would you need to interfere with it? And if you did interact with your car, people would not know that you did, if it runs by remote. Yes, someone can isolate the wireless signal. But God's signal may be "thought." He may interact with the Universe through thought. Which requires no more effort as our "breathing." Even less. We cannot isolate our own thought. Nor can we measure human thought. We can connect electrodes and measure electrical impulses, sure. And perhaps that would work on God as well, if we can travel to his realm and connect the electrodes. And if our wiring's resistance can withstand the surge. And if we can remove the resistance of our own disbelief. God isn't a physical system, He is not bound by particles. HIS energy source is of a metaphysical nature and our interaction must be metaphysical (tuned) to observe. And it works as such and so has it been given by God's textev.

E = MC^2.

This beautiful and powerful equation reveals to us that a small amount of mass yields an incredible amount of energy.

Does textev in the Bible support this? Let's see...
1. You only need to have the faith of a mustard seed. And Your faith will move mountains. (Perhaps whoever built the pyramids and moved the monstrously huge stones did it by faith, lol.) We sure didn't do it by crane.

2. And what of the unshakable faith that a certain woman must have wielded for that faith to have acted as a conductor and channel energy from God. She was ill and it was difficult for her to navigate through the crowds. Yet she had enormous and unshakable faith that suggested to her that all she needed to do was to touch the hem of his garment.

As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him. 43 And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years,[a] but no one could heal her. 44 She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped.
45 “Who touched me?” Jesus asked.
When they all denied it, Peter said, “Master, the people are crowding and pressing against you.”
46 But Jesus said, “Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.”
47 Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. 48 Then he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”

Does faith have mass? It seems so. And substituting faith into E = MC^2 can move mountains. Lest we of little faith.
Matthew 17:20
He replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

If God was in Heaven and simultaneously on Earth as a man then he needed to be in two places at once. Quantum physics supports that reality too.

Indeed, if simply a man had written the Bible then he would have had to have access to a complete and updated future physics reference right beside him and understand it. How can anyone not see?

My problem with some scientists is their failure to bracket their disbelief and investigate a 'what if' scenario regarding the possible truth of a Deity. That's the scientific approach, isn't it? If there is a Deity, then what would be possible? In what direction might that lead our Sciences? What things might be true? It is what I call 'the application of physics to the idea of a Deity.'

There are so many little equations such as faith substitued for mass in E = MC^2 that just work. I have had many counter arguments saying that that is just coincidence. That that is just religion making the data fit. Opportunistic 'scientific religious' meanderings. Yet, it is overlooked that the pieces not only do fit, but so easily and so readily do they fit. Whoever wrote the Bible was a genius. The physics required can easily be shown from our own physics - bereft of any handwavium.

No matter how much in awe we still are of God's creation after billions of years -- at least, if we could get a lot closer, and a little closer, and still a lot more... at the very heart of it we'd find that He simply used different colored pieces. To God they are just lego pieces. Yet wouldn't they seem to be much more... to a child such as man? The Universe and the laws that govern it did not exist before God created it, yet God existed. By inference, of course God isn't bound by his creation. Your parents brought you into this world. They can take you out. No matter how smarter than they that you think you are.

One of the most humorous and thought provoking conversations I find in the Bible shows man's arrogance via ignorance. It is the most quintessential example of how ignorance can be bliss.

It is Moses asking God...
Exodus 3:13-15
13 Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”
14 God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

Here is an infinite being, the Creator of all there is, was and will be and also the Creator of this man standing before him, when this man asks him who HE is? How was God to answer?...

Now, I pray that this doesn't even border on blasphemy. But I can't imagine God's amusement.
"For crying out loud (no, that would destroy the Earth by flood) this man asks "ME" who 'I AM.' How can I amuse him? I'll have to teach him, well, all of the Sciences that binds and bounds him -- the physics, the mathematics, the philosphy, the biology, the quantum mechanics... And he hasn't even discovered X Y and Z yet, and won't for another 10,000 more H-years ... ... Then I'll have to teach him how all of it really works. Then I'll have to teach him all about the philosophy of the why of creation. Then I'll have to teach him the book that he still hasn't grasped, although it has been here on Earth for millennia and I've sent my SON to explain it in person. All as prerequisite material for the Trinity...

Listen Moses. Just tell them "I AM." "

Ignorance is not only bliss, it is inherently so.

I am sorry but it is most hillarious to me. And devoutly profound. What else could an all powerful Being say to answer Moses? Because if ever there was a time that "The truth, You can't handle the truth" was appropos, it was surely then.

And man dares to think he has now learned enough to question God's existence, after enjoying such a short time breathing -- compared to the breath of Creation? How arrogant. Just because man can crunch numbers, he believes that his numbers discredit the Being that created the numbers? - As tools so that the being could make heads or tales of and learn to stand upbreeze of farts in the wind. A being, man, who has among them those that still struggle with multiplication tables, who still forgets to carry the one. And THE ONE. Who all still cannot use an abacus, who are afraid of a slide rule, who trust a computer that they threaten to hammer to death because he cannot prevent it from talking back to them. A species who still count on its fingers. A species who still doesn't grasp the philosophy of why it cannot divide by zero.

It isn't lost on me, that a Supreme Being answered Moses as best as HE could. "I AM."

I said it once in another thread, I find it quite ironic and arrogant that through artificial intelligence man believes that he will one day be able to create life from sand but that an entity long ago couldn't have beat him to it and created life from dust.

A Being associated with the first three prime numbers. Creation in six days - the first perfect number. On and on. Opportunistic scientific religion? Or just both shoes fitting and the socks too?! Is it God's fault that we haven't yet learned to tie our M-strings.

I have always disbelieved in the possibility of man discovering a Theory of Everything. To do so, the microcosm of scientific particles must be married to the macrocosm of time and space. And God intentionally made it separate.
6And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8And God called the firmament Heaven.

And wouldn't a Theory of Everything have to prove everything? Even God? Would an infinite being reduce to one equation that man can ever know? Wouldn't that powerful knowledge make us God's too? We're failing miserably in our unfortunate knowledge of good and evil.

What would we do with such a unified field theory besides blow our brains out just like our parents warned all little boys that they'd do when they asked for a Red Ryder BB gun.

We're looking for the BBs with Particle Accelerators but we can't find the smoking gun.

Perhaps God doesn't smoke. lol

Science handicaps itself in the search for truth. In this effort, it picks and chooses which disciplines to eliminate, to exclude -- when altogether they comprise the sum of man's knowledge -- to utilize as its tools when it is obvious that we need them all and more...

Materialism is an atheistic philosophy that says that all of reality is reducible to matter and its interactions. It has gained ground because many people think that it’s supported by science. They think that physics has shown the material world to be a closed system of cause and effect, sealed off from the influence of any non-physical realities --- if any there be. Since our minds and thoughts obviously do affect the physical world, it would follow that they are themselves merely physical phenomena. No room for a spiritual soul or free will: for materialists we are just “machines made of meat.”

Quantum mechanics, however, throws a monkey wrench into this simple mechanical view of things. No less a figure than Eugene Wigner, a Nobel Prize winner in physics, claimed that materialism --- at least with regard to the human mind --- is not “logically consistent with present quantum mechanics.” And on the basis of quantum mechanics, Sir Rudolf Peierls, another great 20th-century physicist, said, “the premise that you can describe in terms of physics the whole function of a human being ... including [his] knowledge, and [his] consciousness, is untenable. There is still something missing.”

The Trinity. The number 3
According to Pythagoras and the Pythagorean school, the number 3, which they called triad, is the noblest of all digits, as it is the only number to equal the sum of all the terms below it, and the only number whose sum with those below equals the product of them and itself.[3]

What a nice coincidence.

Quantum Mechanics is God's calling card. Call-sign Quantum.

* ... elieve-god

Last edited by cthia on Mon Jun 08, 2015 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Post by Michael Everett   » Mon Jun 08, 2015 11:57 am

Michael Everett

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Minor point -
Given that the Bible has been translated from Aramaic to Latin, from Latin to German and then from German to English by un-linked translators working several centuries apart from each other in differing societal environments, does anyone actually believe that translation errors haven't crept in?
I know of several errors without even trying hard which have had huge effects.
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live
should be
Thou shalt not suffer a caster of evil spells to live
Man shall not lie with man like a husband lies with wife
should be
Man shall not lie with child like a husband lies with wife
and the number of the Beast was 666
should be
and the number of the Beast was 616

It's not quite as bad as if the Bible was Google Translated from Aramaic to Latin to German to English, but using the older English versions of the Bible results in a flawed foundation.
More than one translation step means that errors multiply.
Perhaps all religious practitioners should pause and double-check their source materiel...

I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber
But I try nonetheless, And even do my own artwork.

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ACNH Dreams at DA-6594-0940-7995
Post by MAD-4A   » Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:05 pm

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Michael Everett wrote:Minor point -
Given that the Bible has been translated from Aramaic to Latin, from Latin to German and then from German to English by un-linked translators working several centuries apart from each other in differing societal environments, does anyone actually believe that translation errors haven't crept in?
I know of several errors without even trying hard which have had huge effects...
& many have gone back to the original texts and earlier translations to re-translate for themselves. This is why there are so many "versions" of the bible and (along with the corruption by man) so many denominations. & that means new "updates".
Almost only counts in Horseshoes and Nuclear Weapons. I almost got the Hand-Grenade out the window does not count.
Post by MAD-4A   » Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:31 pm

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Michael Everett wrote:Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live
should be
Thou shalt not suffer a caster of evil spells to live
That's what it actually means - Witch, Sorcerer, the text means that: there are only 2 sources of (super/extra-natural - unexplained) power, God and Satan if your not getting it from God then you must be getting it from Satan & therefor are evil - that's what the text means - this includes "fortunetellers/psychics etc..."
Michael Everett wrote:Man shall not lie with man like a husband lies with wife
should be
Man shall not lie with child like a husband lies with wife
No he said what he means - it states specifically that homosexuality among men is an "abomination to God" - He doesn't like it. A direct address to the rampant "socially accepted" Homosexuality at the time (particularly with the Greeks/Romans) I have been told that it also addresses female/Lesbianism but have yet to find that text.
As for a "child" that is undefined. While I agree with the sentiment of not having sex with a child, the definition of what that means is very skewed and vague and the current socially accepted version is just plain wrong. I see these old "Maury/Springer" reruns stating "Children having Children" and they are wrong, children cannot have children. What is it? 18,17,19,21,13,never? No 2 "laws" can seam to even agree on what age is an "adult" and they are all arbitrary. If we go with a general average of all societies threw-out history and to the definition that the majority of those societies agreed upon then we would come up with the age of adulthood being the point of puberty/menstruation, when the body is physically capable of reproduction (to bring you "evolutionist into it") humans are the only species on the planet that holds off reproduction (at-least as socially accepted) until long after the body is capable of it (though as we have all known classmates in high school who started then - we know this isn't the case). before people get all huffy, there were several North American Indian tribes whose average life expectancy was around 16! Yes! just finished Archaeology class & my professor specializes in North American Indians, so no! Don't even try to argue that! They weren't waiting till they were 18 to have kids (or maybe they were & that's why they died out?). Though there were few people around over 17 to tell the teenagers "Don't go into the woods and do that :x ". some have claimed that "that's when the brain finishes development". No, That's when some quack claimed that's when it finishes. the Brain is dynamic and is constantly developing over your life so I guess we should move the age of adult to 80?! the reason peoples brains develop is because it gains experience and incorporates those experiences into it's matrix. The reason most modern "children" take so long to "finish developing" is because they are coddled and prevented from developing Like Stewart (MADtv) "Look what I can do!" 30yo who wears a dipper, that's what we have all become, retarded from being coddled. Parents say they want their child to have a "normal childhood" well (as you evolutionists can back me up here) a "normal" childhood is foraging naked in the woods for food while running from lions, wolves & alligators (depending on what region your in & what the local top predator is). Kill-or-be-killed, Eat-or-be-eaten, anything else is a coddled childhood. Not saying we should set 3yos loose in the wood alone just saying the definition of a "child" needs to be revised and not some arbitrary number some old lawyer pulled out of his...uhm sphincter. It pisses me off when I hear about some guy "knocking-up" his hot teacher & just because he's under a certain age she goes to jail. WHAAAA!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: You know how happy I would have been to have that happen to me when I was his age? Child Abuse, whatever
Michael Everett wrote:and the number of the Beast was 666
should be
and the number of the Beast was 616...
Again translation issues. the # of the beast is often believed to refer to Nero/Neron one of the most infamous Roman Emperors & one who cause the most (or nearly so) Christian deaths/persecutions. It is believed that he suffered from lead and/or mercury poisoning causing paranoia. the discrepancy can be attributed to the different ways his name was spelled (hmm...yet another bible revision)
Almost only counts in Horseshoes and Nuclear Weapons. I almost got the Hand-Grenade out the window does not count.

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