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Enough Is Enough! ... | |
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HB of CJ
Posts: 707
Moderators ... maybe it is time to delete this entire thread! The rest of what I wanted to say I will not in the name of civility. Enough said. HB of CJ (old coot) Junior Captain. I love this Forum ... except for some parts.
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Posts: 2747
Ugh... please don't. Evolution doesn't have a damn thing to say about decisions made by a society regarding when its children have reached sufficient maturity to make informed decisions about their reproductive activities.
Ugh again. You do understand that doesn't mean the average age of death by old age was 16 right? That just means that they had huge rates of death among infants and children due to disease and lack of medicine and it pulls the average down. But you would still have lots of people living into their 50s and 60s in those societies. It wasn't like they hit 16 and thought "oh crap, I'll keel over in 2 years or so just like my father and grandfather did... better get baby making while I still have the chance!"
Triple ugh... Yeah, I would have been too. To the point where any rational decision making processes taking into account things like long term consequences probably wouldn't have been breaking through the hormone surge. Which is EXACTLY WHY there are age of consent laws and it's the adults responsibility to do the thinking in that situation and step away. (although this seems to be wandering rather far afield from the "does God exist" subject matter of the thread) |
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Posts: 6432
If the laws of physics are a product of His will, they are not violated when He expresses His will. That's simple enough to understand. It is also simple enough to understand that He can change the laws of physics in a limited area. That he can change the laws of physics so that any observation we make is consistent with such observations that reflect no changes in the paws of physics. In the circumstance that God exists, there are all possible and so your logic is flawed. That's enough frustration. TTFN. |
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Re: Enough Is Enough! ... | |
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Posts: 14951
Unbelievable. Why stop there? Proceed to burn all of the bibles. Burn the churches. Shoot all believers. Remove "In God We Trust" from American currency. Surely we shouldn't just stop at removing religion and worship from our public school systems. What is the worse that can happen after we make Satan feel welcome, anyway - school grounds as warzones? Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense |
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Posts: 2747
Thank you for proving my point. You are simply defining anything God does as "not a violation of the laws of physics because God is doing it". But that's just playing word games. Saying the 2nd law of thermodynamics suddenly stops working "because it's been violated" and saying the second law of thermodynamics stops working "because God willed it to be so" don't make one tiny bit of difference to the fundamental problem that the law stopped working. You already conceded here: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=6469&start=464 ...that demonstrating the existence of anything requires reliance on the reliability of observational data and that the reliability of observational data requires the baseline assumption that the basic laws of physics that govern those observations freaking HOLD. Which you have just admitted they don't if we consider God to be part of the equation. So my argument is upheld. God's existence *cannot* be demonstrated because introducing the hypothesis that the laws of physics can be violated at will by the entity you are trying to demonstrate the existence of invalidates all observational evidence. Nothing you observe can be declared definitive because God might have mucked with the laws of physics while you were making your observation. |
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Posts: 14951
****** * The act of obtaining observational data mucks with the laws of physics.
In our case, perhaps we should also consider the 'state' of the measuring device. A device based on particle physics would alter the state of the system and might be partial to particles. Perhaps we should borrow ectoplasmic devices from the Ghostbusters. Ectoplasmic Particle Accelerators anyone? ![]() Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense |
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Posts: 2747
Wow, you just keep piling up the evidence that you don't understand physics. But keep telling us about how CERN is going to publish you. The observer effect is not mucking with the laws of physics, it is a REQUIREMENT of the laws of physics. All it says is you can't observe something without impacting it in some way (for example, you bounce a photon off of it in order to visually see it... which the laws of physics say will have an effect) Now if what you are observing is a brick wall, that doesn't matter. But it becomes something to take into account when what you are observing is extremely small and sensitive. |
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Posts: 14951
Really gcomeau. What is it with you?
Of course I didn't know that! It was a joke! Do you not see the smiley face? It refers to an old joke about the Schrodinger Cat experiment. The cat is the observer and she's seducing the laws of physics with nine lives. Unless you do the experiment 10 times to get the correct result. It'll yield the proper result the second time. (10) as in binary math. Have you ever attended college? I'm really beginning to question your age. What are you, a freshman in High School? Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense |
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Posts: 2747
Yes the smilie on the end of the Ghostbusters reference rather clearly indicated that part was a joke. As if clarifiation was needed when referencing Ghostbusters. The parts of the post above that really didn't read as a joke, and still don't now on review. It read much the same as all the other arguments you have been making throughout this entire thread. Are they all jokes? Because you got rather miffed at me when I asked if you were trolling us. |
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Posts: 14951
It was a joke gcomeau. And, perhaps I better explain the punch line. Schrodinger's cat is his woman who doesn't want to be caught in the act(observed) and killed. But you are right, I shouldn't have assumed that everyone was aware of that joke. One of my professors told it the first day. I've come across it many times in social circles -- though told a bit differently. The last version featured Ripley's cat in Aliens. Ripley being an actress in both Ghostbusters and Aliens... Oh never mind! Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense |
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