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Trump’s Territorial Ambitions

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Trump’s Territorial Ambitions
Post by Arol   » Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:47 am

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Not even president yet, Trump is apparently angling to enter history books as The Great American Acquisitor when it comes to territories.
He has his appetite set on a number of dishes.
Keeping to the culinary metaphors:
Appetizer: The Panama Canal. Here he is using as an excuse “the outrageous fees” the Canal authority is charging American shipping using the Canal has to pay!
Main Course: Canada. The oblique “humorous” references to Canada and to PM Trudeau as “Governor” could be seen as a fair indicator!
(Though anyone trying to digest Trudeau would surely suffer sever digestive ailments!)
Dessert: Greenland. In his previous term of office he did try to acquire this part of Denmark. Even going so far as invite him-self to make a State visit to Denmark, yet when the Danish PM definitely said no-deal, he got his knickers in an uproar, and cancelled his non-invited visit!
It should be pointed out that in none of the three cases has any offers to sell, or become part of the United States of America, been made!
Then again, it just may be that Trump is simply being the living embodiment of the law of the jungle:
“When the Strong Dictate, the Weak Must Submit!”
Re: Trump’s Territorial Ambitions
Post by Guillaume   » Thu Jan 02, 2025 7:23 pm

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Denmark has been offered a Greenland deal multiple times now (and not just from Trump) and Every time they said : No, Hell No

The interestng thing is that Denmakr doesn't even have the final say anymore, Greenland is mostly independant nowadays, the only thngs still tying them to Denmark are :
- Foreign Policy
- Military (Sirius Patrol)
- Judiciary (and that one is really loosely tied)

Everything else is decided or controlled in Greenland.
Re: Trump’s Territorial Ambitions
Post by Daryl   » Fri Jan 03, 2025 3:37 am

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Each year a number of respected international agencies (IMF, OECD, UNESCO, S&P, a number of others) publish their lists of the best places to live.
Mostly similar criteria, but various weightings. Life expectancy, education, wealth distribution, sexual equality, democracy, median wealth, median income, health systems, safety, usually about 20.
Obviously it varies, but the same few squabble over the top five. Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, Australia, Canada plus a couple of similar ones.
Denmark often gets the top (Australia next).
Meanwhile the US is lucky to get 28. Why would the Danes in Greenland (or the Canadians) want to become US citizens?
Re: Trump’s Territorial Ambitions
Post by Arol   » Tue Jan 07, 2025 4:53 pm

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Donald Trump Jr. is on a “private” sightseeing visit to Greenland!
Yahh, right!
Arriving on the Trump private jet, with a large entourage! Some private!
Right after his old man had quite forcibly reinforced his demands for Greenland, going so far, as to threaten Tariff War to strengthen his arguments. Using the spurious argument, that it's acquisition is integral to the safety and security of the U.S.A.! :roll:
Trump Raises the Possibility of Using Military or Economic Force to Take Greenland and the Panama Canal ... nland.html

Paying no mind to the fact that the Greenland population, together with the Home Rule administration, and the Danish Central government, have made it clear that the island is not for sale!!! :roll:
Re: Trump’s Territorial Ambitions
Post by Daryl   » Tue Jan 07, 2025 7:50 pm

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The Danes, Canadians and Panamanians would have access to the US health system and gun laws. Big inducements. Not.
Re: Trump’s Territorial Ambitions
Post by Michael Everett   » Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:04 pm

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Daryl wrote:The Danes, Canadians and Panamanians would have access to the US health system and gun laws. Big inducements. Not.

I'm sorry, the U.S. actually has a health system?
I thought the entire U.S. worked on the Pay-To-Win principle where getting anything more than a neurofen (or equivalent) involved getting another mortgage...

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Re: Trump’s Territorial Ambitions
Post by Arol   » Thu Jan 16, 2025 8:52 pm

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There’s no doubt as to whom the Greenlanders would choose if it came down to a choice between The USA, or retaining its allegiance to Denmark.
Denmark without a doubt!
There might only be around fifty-seven thousand Greenlanders, but the large majority of them know which side of their bread is buttered upon!!!
So the matter comes down to what will Trump do, if his rhetoric wasn’t just that rhetoric?
What if his intention is to really gobble up Greenland?
Trump is a deal-maker, a businessman!
What he sees in Greenland is a vast untapped source of natural resources! As such; in his worldview, he sees it only natural that the USA have it under their ownership and control! ... ation.html
Trump is fixated on Greenland — a vast Arctic island with massive resource potential

Puts the Greenland Home Rule and Danish governments in a bit of a pickle!!!
As for the approx. fifty-seven thousand Greenlanders?
Well, there aint’t much that they could do, if the US decides to put action, behind their words.
Now the Danes are; if possible, worse off!
Here you have the largest most powerful member of a military alliance, to which you both have belonged since its inauguration back in the ‘40’s. Not only that, but also your largest international trading partner!
This “good friend” and “ally” suddenly put’s a gun to your head, and demand a slice of your country!!!
That the Danes are taking it serious indeed can be seen by the actions of their politicians.
Such as all non-essential political activity has been put on hold, until this current crisis has been resolved.
The PM had a 45 minute phone conversation with Trump!
After which she held a meeting with all the leaders of the political parties, together with the leaders of the business community.
In the following press-conference, she reiterated Trump’s refusal to abstain from the “…use of military or economical force”!
So like most others, it’s just a matter of waiting until January 21st. or 22nd.
To find out if it was all blow/hard rhetoric, or the inauguration of a dystopian future.
Re: Trump’s Territorial Ambitions
Post by Arol   » Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:13 pm

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President Trump was asked: while he was busy signing Presidential decrees, regarding his repeated stated intentions regarding Greenland.
He (Trump) reiterated his intention to acquire Greenland, and that “…Denmark would eventually come around…”!
Now, the latter part of that statement was eerily so reminiscent to Don Corleone’s: “…make them an offer they can’t refuse…”that I kept looking for Luca Brassie standing in the background.1
Re: Trump’s Territorial Ambitions
Post by Daryl   » Wed Jan 22, 2025 9:36 pm

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Poland all over again?
Arol wrote:President Trump was asked: while he was busy signing Presidential decrees, regarding his repeated stated intentions regarding Greenland.
He (Trump) reiterated his intention to acquire Greenland, and that “…Denmark would eventually come around…”!
Now, the latter part of that statement was eerily so reminiscent to Don Corleone’s: “…make them an offer they can’t refuse…”that I kept looking for Luca Brassie standing in the background.1
Re: Trump’s Territorial Ambitions
Post by Arol   » Mon Jan 27, 2025 8:51 am

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Trump says he believes US will 'get Greenland'

…and, if the Danes/Greenlanders refuse to give it to him, it would be considered an “unfriendly” act!!!
So, after over seventy-five years of being a good friend and ally, this is where we have ended up?
The super-power in the NATO alliance attempting to coerce and dominate one of its smaller members, into surrendering territory!
Completely disregarding the fact that the only one being “unfriendly” is, the one that’s doing the threatening!
As for the “waving” of the flag as an excuse of doing it for the Free World?
Well Denmark has been a member of NATO since its inception. Greenland has belonged to Denmark for around 800 years! Therefor any hostile move against Greenland would be covered under paragraph 5 of the NATO treaty!
Also, both countries have made it clear that they wouldn’t object to the establishment of further bases to complement The Pituffik Space Base (formerly Thule Air Force Base!).
No, what Trump and Musk; flag waving aside, want, is to get their mitts on the virgin mineral wealth of Greenland!

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