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Post by cthia   » Mon Feb 13, 2017 6:08 pm

Fleet Admiral

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This rampant impeachment talk amuses me much. So much so that I decided to create a separate thread for it and took the liberty to transplant some vital organs. Hope you all don't mind.

There's actual betting on Trump's likely impeachment. Of course they are a day late and a dollar short as per my social circles. Be sure to take note of the British betting site Ladbrokes on the same site.

I'm beginning to think that he should be removed on the grounds that he seemingly cannot be an effective president in the midst of so much turmoil. He has to have become the most detested president in U.S. history and has splashed that mud on his family.

There's even betting on which appointee will be fired first. Unbelievable.

Poor Ivanka. Stores are dropping her clothing line like it's infected with Ebola. The latest to drop is Burlington.

How can Trump effectively carry out his duties having to fight at every turn against his own country. If he really cares about the country, perhaps he should resign.

Some vital organs.
Tenshinai wrote:Nah, ain´t gonna happen. Would equal too much egg in the face of the republicans, so even the saner ones is much more likely to just suffer in silence while making sure no such horrors actually happen.
cthia wrote:There is that.

There is also the fact that you simply cannot keep trying to save someone who obviously doesn't want to be saved, someone who acts like a dummy dictator that refuses to ever listen to any of his advisors—who are all reduced to sanitation engineers forever tasked with picking up and cleaning up his garbage. Trailing them is the presidential dog walker who is always picking up his shit.

Before and during the election at every turn, Trump showed that he doesn't know a damn thing about World Affairs, current issues, foreign policy or any of the current worries, concerns and issues of America. (And now that he's in office it's obvious he's not off somewhere pulling an all nighter, cramming like a college student, trying to play catch up because he's always on Twitter!)

It is like he doesn't ever listen to the news or pick up a fucking newspaper other than to read the business section or to wipe his hairy ass from all the hairy shit he manages to get himself into. So why should we think he's even aware of a thing called the U.S. Constitution or would even care? He has more time to Twit than I have time to post. Doesn't he have POTUS shit to do?

At any rate, you can't keep trying to save someone that keeps struggling against you in the rip current or he'll drag you down with him. He's embarrassing the Republican party so badly that they may never recover from this one. Republican voters are like "Did you know this idiot was this stupid? Well why didn't you tell us?!!! Why did you support him? We hold you personally responsible for this total idiot of an embarrassment!"

Thing is, he's already responsible for whole cases of eggs launched! into the Republican's faces, houses, cars and lives daily! He Twits a dozen embarrassing eggs a day! He twitted the fact that he was going on that secret trip to Mexico that was supposed to be a secret. That's why they call it a secret trip! Damn, even tree bark ain't that dumb. Really, where does he get all of the Twittin' time? Think my post count is high? Well this is my only forum.

And. I. Ain't. POTUS!

I guess he feels he was elected to Twitter his thumbs all day.

A friend of mine said "They're afraid to take his Twitter toy away from him because they're afraid he'll go ballistic. And he already has the launch codes!"

The funniest thing I saw the other day on the net is a sign in Halifax called a Trump Tracker.

He keeps putting a shoe in his own mouth and a foot in his own ass. I guess that makes him self-defecating.

And for God's sake, do take the idiot's Twitter account away from him. Please! He is embarrassing the country! Someone needs to get him hooked on phonics. Of course, he'll spell it fonics. Winning a spelling bee isn't and shouldn't be a prerequisite for a presidency...


He once tried to blame one serious spelling error on the spell checker but then it was proved that it absolutely could not have been the case, then the idiot later owned up to it and admitted to the gross err grotesque misspelling. I guess the spell checker simply could not be made out to look that stupid! And we all have had some seriously dumb spell checkers. But apparently they ain't the dumbest in the land. Not by a looong shot!

He should be impeached because he keeps acting like a child. He needs to show some maturity. Get the fuck off of Twitter, buckle down and get some serious work done already! He doesn't need Twitter anymore, he already won the election. What's he planning to do, Twitter the hell out of our enemies?

I didn't vote for the idiot though I didn't like Hillary either but saw an opportunity to break some more ice. There's been a minority President and I wanted there to be a female President, so after that point we can just get on with electing the best President.

However, after he won, I was like "Relax, give him a fucking chance already because, after all America, we were all screaming for a radical change, we needed someone different. Well, what did we expect a radical thinker would sound like?"

Yes, I know the answer. We wanted radical, but respectful and a bit smarter than tree bark. I guess you can't have both.

All Trump does is sit and shit while twittin' shit. It's time to quit.

At any rate, our error in electing Donald Trump, at this point, reminds me of Tokyo creating a bigger problem for themselves by waking up Godzilla to battle King Kong.
Biochem wrote:He hasn't yet done anything which rises to the level of an impeachable offense. Acting like an idiot isn't impeachable. It is grounds for losing a re-election campaign.

But 2020 will be a 2 man race and the Democrats have to come up with someone who is an improvement over Trump. It shouldn't be hard but at the rate the Democrats are going it looks like most of them are secretly working for Trump's 2020 re-election committee.
cthia wrote:No one will have to impeach him. He's going to impeach himself. He's simply not qualified for POTUS. And just like someone with no qualifications or experience being hired to run the biggest nuclear power plant on the planet, will sooner than later get themselves fired. So too shall Trump. Sooner or later he's going to step on a nuclear land mine or, even worse, push the wrong button and cause a nuclear meltdown.

Everyone's an improvement over Trump! I'm willing to bet Michelle Obama can win, since we'll be getting assistance from Barack again. Talk about Trump setting the bar waaaay waaay low. Heck, I feel I have a chance. Can't do no worse than Trump.

You know the old saying, I simply thought you were stupid until you opened your mouth and removed all doubt?'

With Trump it's become, 'I simply thought you were stupid until you opened a Twitter account and removed all doubt.'

Heck, in less than a month he's already come close to causing a few nuclear meltdowns by pushing too many wrong buttons. In the first 30 days or less. More or less. And a judge had to reinsert a few control rods.
Annachie wrote:Not before 2019 anyway.
cthia wrote:Annachie, I didn't know you were so very religious... you're a "Devout Optimist." :mrgreen:

Last edited by cthia on Mon Feb 13, 2017 7:30 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Post by cthia   » Mon Feb 13, 2017 6:19 pm

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Bad thing about an impeachment is that we are saddled with the Vice President. I think the political system was too quick too allocate the term "Lame Duck President." LOL

And there should be a clause to impeach a President on the grounds of "irreconcilable differences."

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Post by gcomeau   » Mon Feb 13, 2017 6:21 pm


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Yeah I just don't see it happening.

See it being warranted, absolutely. Hard to imagine it not reaching that point... hell there's a solid argument it should be happening right now.

But the GOP in Congress actually having the integrity to do it? Believe it when I see it, which I don't expect to unless things get *truly* catastrophic...
Post by cthia   » Mon Feb 13, 2017 7:57 pm

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One of my good friends: I wonder why Trump didn't want to move into the White House?

Me: His own private accommodations are actually better.

My wife: Honey, I think it is because he didn't actually expect to be the president for very long.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Post by cthia   » Mon Feb 13, 2017 8:14 pm

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gcomeau wrote:Yeah I just don't see it happening.

See it being warranted, absolutely. Hard to imagine it not reaching that point... hell there's a solid argument it should be happening right now.

But the GOP in Congress actually having the integrity to do it? Believe it when I see it, which I don't expect to unless things get *truly* catastrophic...

The entire thing is beginning to be so sad. I'm at the point where if it were up to me, I'd demand that either we go ahead and impeach him or leave him be so he can at least attempt to do his job. The man is fighting for his life at every turn. Too much abnormal presidential pressure. Yet if we leave him be, we may be guilty of a crime against our own country when he finally makes the big one. And IMHO, breaching the Emoluments Clause is grounds enough. Ivanka's troubles are partly stemming from America's ire and displeasure with that fact. Actually, I can't understand why he hasn't already gotten the boot clean up to the spurs over that one.

****** *

Donald Trump has only been president for two weeks. In that time, he has created untold chaos with hyper-aggressive use of executive authority, and seriously destabilized relations with several nations, including at least one very close ally, Australia. He's unstable, incompetent, and a clear and present danger to the security of the United States and the world.

Donald Trump must be impeached and removed from office. Not because his policy is bad, though that is very true, but because he is so erratic and unstable as to be a threat to all life on Earth. And it will be up to Congressional Republicans to do it.

They are the only ones with the power to impeach Trump at this point (which requires a majority vote in the House to impeach and a two-thirds vote in the Senate to convict and remove from office). The reason they should is not to advance liberal political goals — if anything Vice President Mike Pence would be a more effective policymaker and a more formidable candidate in 2020 — but because of Trump's actual danger to American society.

Let's roll the tape.

Trump, on the close counsel of Stephen Bannon and Stephen Miller (who are, it seems, the real power behind the throne), has rammed through a probably illegal order banning Muslim immigration from seven countries, even for people with legitimate visas and desperately ill refugees; he reportedly directed federal law enforcement to ignore federal court orders staying the act, creating an instant constitutional crisis. Over the weekend, Trump and his national security team ordered a raid in Yemen which was epically botched, killing at least 30 people including one U.S. soldier and 10 women and children — among them an 8-year-old American girl.

This week, Trump reportedly threatened to invade Mexico to deal with "bad hombres" (though the constantly bullied Mexican government later denied it); and he got in a bizarre, heated argument with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull over an agreement to take in some refugees. On Wednesday night, after a handful of anti-fascist protesters disrupted a Milo Yiannopolous event at the University of California, Berkeley, Trump threatened to withdraw all federal funding from the entire school:

On Thursday, Trump put Iran "ON NOTICE" because they carried out a ballistic missile test. That same day, it came out that Trump had hired Michael Anton, author of a widely-read pseudonymous essay supporting Trump, to work in national security. His article is overtly racist and authoritarian in its reasoning; it casts any Democratic victory as presumptively illegitimate because "the ceaseless importation of Third World foreigners with no tradition of, taste for, or experience in liberty means that the electorate grows more left, more Democratic, less Republican, less republican, and less traditionally American with every cycle."

In related news, Trump is also reportedly considering altering a Department of Homeland Security anti-terrorism program to focus solely on Islamist terrorism — mere days after a white nationalist terrorist shot up a mosque in Quebec City. Oh, and Bannon says we'll be at war with China within 10 years.

I wrote many articles predicting that Trump was a racist and an incipient fascist, that he would be the worst president in American history, and on and on. But I did not think it would get quite so bad this fast. If you ever wanted to see a presidency run by an unstable numskull who gets 100 percent of his news from Fox News broadcasts, here we have it.

And all this doesn't even touch the background issue of Trump's immense network of business ties which he was already exploiting for his own enrichment before he was inaugurated. That alone — a clear-cut violation of the Emoluments Clause — is probably grounds enough for impeachment, if we needed any more.

Trump is popular among Republican voters. But he is very unpopular overall, and his antics are creating a massive popular backlash. And while congressional Republicans are hawkish on Iran, they weren't much for war with China last time I checked. Trump has been president for literally two weeks and he has already caused one major international crisis and several serious diplomatic flaps for no reason at all. What will happen when he faces a real problem? The United States has about 1,900 strategic nuclear warheads that can be fired anywhere on the sole discretion of the president. The man is quite literally a threat to human life on this planet. He has to go.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Post by cthia   » Mon Feb 13, 2017 8:39 pm

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"It's over. Don't you think it's over. I have no choice, you're fired."

His own words. Oh the sad irony of it. Celebrity Apprentice may haunt him for the rest of his life.

You're fired, Donald Trump!

Last edited by cthia on Sat Aug 05, 2017 6:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Post by Daryl   » Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:17 pm

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Impeachment, a forced retirement, or assassination won't fix the original problem. The so called "deplorables" will believe that they were robbed, and their champion would have fixed all for them given time. Give it a year or so for the wheels to fully come off, and they will see that a multibankrupt billionaire who doesn't have a clue probably wasn't the answer.
Mind you reading from a distance it does appear that the "deplorables" do have a point about being neglected. Comparing their situation to our equivalents, you see a minimun wage less than half ours, no universal welfare or health net, limited state housing, and generally a much worse basic living situation.
Post by Annachie   » Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:33 am

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I think 2019, feb at the earliest, since that way who ever takes over wont serve a full term so will still be eligible for 2 more ful terms.

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You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Post by biochem   » Tue Feb 14, 2017 10:03 pm

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The impeach him now philosophy is anti-Trump hatred that has crossed over into the completely irrational. What incompetence etc leads to is an opportunity for an ELECTION challenge to him in 4 years.

What the Democrats should do to win is realize that they have to persuade Rust Belt voters who voted for Obama but then switched to Trump that they should switch back.

1. To quote Bill "It's the economy stupid"

The Rust Belt swing voter is an economic agnostic - he/she do not care if it is trickle down, democratic socialism or Trumpism as long as it works and restores jobs to that devastated part of the country.

The Republican default - cut taxes is the solution to all ills


The Democratic default - spend money we don't have an ineffective social programs is the solution to all ills

don't work for this part of the country!

If they did work the Rust Belt would be fixed by now.

If the Democrats want to win they will come up with new ideas and preferably a candidate (governor, mayor, county commissioner [I'd usually just say governor but the Democratic bench is decimated]) that can prove they have new ideas and those ideas worked in practice i.e. somebody who saved their little slice of the Rust Belt.

2. RESPECT - Quit treating them like stupid idiots.

Take all of the deranged lunatics from Hollywood, the Berkley rioters, Madonna et al and the other elite talking heads and lock them in a closet for the next four years. They keep talking to the elite echo chamber and that's useless. More votes in Los Angeles won't do the democratic candidate any good. He/she needs votes from the Rust Belt. Only allow people to speak who say nice things about Trump voters (not Trump, but Trump voters). DO NOT INSULT THE PEOPLE YOU NEED.

Bernie was popular too. He genuinely CARED, which is more than can be said about most of the elite leadership of the Democrats (for that matter most Republicans as well, but you're not running against a generic Republican you're running against Trump who is someone who has successfully convinced the Rust Belt that he cares about them). And he DID NOT INSULT THE VOTERS.

3. Take the environmentalists and put them on a plane to the Amazon.

Rust Belters see them and their expensive regulations as one more reason why they don't have jobs. The Democratic party has got to learn to tell the environmental wing "no". The labor advocates (what few the Democrats have left) and the environmentalists (the rational ones) need to sit down and hammer out compromises. Focus on the biggest bang for the buck, not on enacting every thing on the environmentalist wish list. And make sure that during election season that the environmentalists stay in the Amazon! More votes from the elite who can afford to shop at Whole Foods are useless. Learn to love coal.

4. Remember it is not just Trump. Democrats are losing across the board!
Post by Daryl   » Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:16 am

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Good points biochem, and I do agree with you, surprise.
I'd not say learn to love coal, but would say learn to accept that coal has to be used for some time yet. Eventually technology will find economically sensible ways to provide 24/7 base load power from renewables. Apart from anything else future generations will want the coal as a feed stock for more useful things than just burning it.
The extreme environmentalist comment has validity, even though I like to think I'm a bit green.
A few years ago we had disasterous bush fires here that killed hundreds and wiped several country towns off the map. A big cause that was later determined was a city based green group that had for years successfully blocked fire break clearing and seasonal safe burn offs in the country high regions. When the survivors found out at an on site meeting that the president of this group lived in a CBD penthouse in our second biggest city, the police had real trouble preventing a lynching.

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