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Sonja Hemphill

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Re: Sonja Hemphill
Post by Shannon_Foraker   » Sat Sep 30, 2023 5:09 pm


Posts: 194
Joined: Sat Feb 19, 2022 3:33 pm

penny wrote:I guess I need to explain the penny ID.

I went on an extended vacation. I needed it. The pandemic had stifled me and I needed to reconnect with lots of people. Right before my hiatus, I changed my password and I didn't use it for quite some time. When I finally tried to log back in I couldn't remember my password and the email address I had given (yahoo) had not been logged into for too long. So the site is sending my reset password to a now inactive email address. It happened before and Duckk got me back in. I am now told it is impossible to do so.

The problem is when I tried to log back in on my phone and couldn't remember my password, the site locked me out after so many attempts and then it requires you to respond to a Captcha WHICH DOES NOT DISPLAY PROPERLY ON A SMARTPHONE!

So, don't blame me. Management won't assist me this time. For whatever reason.

Okay, makes sense.
Re: Sonja Hemphill
Post by Daryl   » Sun Oct 01, 2023 6:27 am

Fleet Admiral

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Location: Queensland Australia

I've just had the same dilemma on another website. "But we've just sent the conformation email to your email address". Infuriating.
Shannon_Foraker wrote:
penny wrote:I guess I need to explain the penny ID.

I went on an extended vacation. I needed it. The pandemic had stifled me and I needed to reconnect with lots of people. Right before my hiatus, I changed my password and I didn't use it for quite some time. When I finally tried to log back in I couldn't remember my password and the email address I had given (yahoo) had not been logged into for too long. So the site is sending my reset password to a now inactive email address. It happened before and Duckk got me back in. I am now told it is impossible to do so.

The problem is when I tried to log back in on my phone and couldn't remember my password, the site locked me out after so many attempts and then it requires you to respond to a Captcha WHICH DOES NOT DISPLAY PROPERLY ON A SMARTPHONE!

So, don't blame me. Management won't assist me this time. For whatever reason.

Okay, makes sense.
Re: Sonja Hemphill
Post by aslaleratu   » Wed Oct 18, 2023 6:45 am


Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Oct 18, 2023 6:33 am

Is there unrest regarding Ms. Hemphill? Personally I didn't give her much thought after Basilisk until the Young court marshal, good or bad. Then, when I realize who she was I gainned some respect for her after her voting to throw young out.
Re: Sonja Hemphill
Post by tlb   » Thu Oct 19, 2023 8:50 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 4099
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aslaleratu wrote:Is there unrest regarding Ms. Hemphill? Personally I didn't give her much thought after Basilisk until the Young court marshal, good or bad. Then, when I realize who she was I gainned some respect for her after her voting to throw young out.

Up until that point the author had given us nothing to make us like the person. Therefore it is not so much that there is unrest about her, but that the author has been hiding her good points. As it says about her in Field of Dishonor:
Chapter 8 wrote:Admiral of the Red Hemphill, next in seniority after Kuzak, was harder to read, even after all the years she and White Haven had spent as adversaries. As fair-skinned as Kuzak, Sonja Hemphill was a handsome woman, golden haired and with striking blue-green eyes, but where Theodosia's face often hid the real Theodosia, the determination that was Hemphill's driving force tightened her features and made her look almost as opinionated as she actually was. Though twenty years younger and far junior to White Haven, she'd made her name early in the R&D community, and she was a leading advocate of the jeune ecole's material-based "new tactical thinking," whereas the earl was the acknowledged leader of the historical school. He respected both her personal courage and her abilities in her own areas of competence, yet they'd never liked one another, and their professional differences only made their natural antipathy worse. Their clashes had assumed mythic stature over the last fifteen T-years, and there were other worries this time: she was also a cousin of Sir Edward Janacek and heir to the Barony of Low Delhi, and, like Jurgens, her spiritual home was the Conservative Association.

-- snip --

Sonja might be a hard driver and more than a bit ruthless, and she was oppressively confident of the merits of her own pet technical and tactical theories, yet she was willing to admit she herself was fallible.

That last piece is where the author makes a favorable comparison to Commodore Lemaitre, almost the first time we know something good about Sonja, after her courage and competence.

After the reaction to the grav-lance, the author deeply regretted that he had ever introduced it and I think that is partly why he will write in later books that Sonja was not totally to blame for it.
Re: Sonja Hemphill
Post by markusschaber   » Mon Oct 30, 2023 4:34 am

Lieutenant Commander

Posts: 113
Joined: Mon Dec 12, 2022 3:37 pm

tlb wrote:So this is somewhat similar to why I briefly had two sign-in IDs, except I had the same password for both and just could not remember what the first name was that I had used.

Just as a side note: One should never share the same password on different sites / accounts / services.

This is why I use password managers, and I strongly recommend you do the same. They generate strong, randomized passwords, and keep them (together with the user name) in a safe place. One only has to remember a single, strong master password - and the master password is only used locally, never sent online, where it faces a higher risk of falling into the hands of bad guys).

There are some with cloud storage / synchronization (like those from Google or Mozilla), so you can use the same safe on multiple devices, and recover from device loss. Some (like KeePass) can be coupled with hardware security devices, so even a leak of the master password is not sufficient to crack it open. Some are closed and commercial, some are open source. I intentionally won't recommend any specific product here as I do not have a real overview, I just can say I'm happy with the products I'm currently using, and "for beginners", those built into your favourite browser are usually acceptable.

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