PeterZ wrote:
Bottom line is that I can a see a society evolved from predators both manipulating the universe around them AND remaining separate from the universe as I postulated. Herd creatures would see such a separation as being too unnatural for their comfort.
Seems to me there are are a good few faulty assumptions jumping into this discussion. It starts above with the ideas that creatures are divided neatly into predators, who are probably solitary, and herd creatures. This ignores pack predators like wolves and *ahem* 'Puppies' and also solitary herbivores like black rhinos and koalas who generally only get together to mate.
Any space-faring race has to have worked out some way to act together in large groups with differentiated skills, or they are NOT going to be able to develop the technology to build a space-ship or much else.
The distinction made in another post between omnivores who can delay gratification and thus plant stuff and carnivores who are always direct action types because their food is based on hunting is also spurious and downright silly. Why on earth can't predators or carnivores work out that ranching might be a good idea?
Any technologically advanced 'predator' race must have worked out how to conserve and increase their food supply somehow, because you can't build up a sizeable population, and even less a sizeable population density (AKA a village or town) based on direct hunting from the wild any more than an omnivore race can do it by hunter-gathering from the wild.